Let's Talk - Learning, Discussing, and Growing together

EDDL 5141 Week 4: Design Models

          In our live class, it was clear that the instructor utilizes many of Gagne’s instructional design models. First, the instructor posted a thought-provoking scenario about a student who was sent to the office for a behavioral infraction and asked the students to think and be ready to respond about how this situation could have been avoided. Presenting this scenario not only set the tone for the class but also provided context for the learning of the evening and was effective at getting our attention (Arshavskiy, 2016). It was also apparent that the objectives were core to the instructor’s purpose as they not only introduced them at the beginning of the lesson but at the end of the lesson, we were provided an opportunity to reflect on the objectives and come up with examples of how well we understood and achieved them. The instructor of this class has strong alignment between their intention and process, which aligns objectives, content, activities, technology, and assessment with a learning-centered perspective at its core (Commonwealth of Learning, 2014, 0:40). In the end, her students are presented with a clear guide to process, product, and purpose. 

          In my teaching career, I have had many roles, but most would fall within the realm of humanities. As such, I feel that these courses have impacted which learning theory I feel most connected to because the nature of these courses is critical thinking, not rote memorization. Consequently, I gravitated most to the idea of constructivism as a base for my instructional design. Ultimately, I recognize that all my students come with connections, knowledge, and experiences that have shaped their understanding (McLeod, 2003, p. 41).. As an instructor, I guide their journey and exploration of learning.


Arshavskiy, M. (2016). Leveraging Gagné’s nine events of instruction . https://elearningindustry.com/leveraging-gagnes-nine-events-of-instruction

Commonwealth of Learning. (2014). What is instructional design? [Video file]

McLeod, G. (2003) Learning theory and instructional design. Learning Matters: The journal of the Durham Technical Community College 2(1), 35-43. Retrieved from https://library.digitalnc.org/cdm/singleitem/collection/yearbooks/id/8404/rec/1



  1. Debra Jordan

    Thanks for your insights on your course. I really love case studies. Especially if they are well written with lots of rich contextual information. I think case studies are a great way to grab student attention and is a helpful way to apply acknowledge.

  2. vsidhu

    Hi Hannah,
    It seems that your course has been well-designed. I have so much respect for instructors who encourage critical thinking. It wasn’t until I was in my community mental health rotation that I truly understood the idea of critical thinking. We know much more than we believe, but it’s all about pushing our limits and getting out of our comfort zone. I use critical thinking in my practice every day as a nurse. The unit is acute, with complex patient challenges and many staffing/nurse burnout experiences, so I must get creative and think! It’s crucial instructors start teaching their students about critical thinking early on because the students will find themselves coming out as stronger leaders!

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