While completing the Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI), I reflected on my role as a post-secondary instructor in the Educational Assistant Certificate Program. In this role, the scope of my classes includes:
- Teaching positive communication strategies
- Exploring a variety of physical and emotional supports and strategies for students
- Developing a deep understanding of neurodevelopmental support
Upon reflection, it is apparent how Nurturing (Pratt et al., 2000) was highlighted as the primary indicator, as my focus in these classes is to not only teach the objectives but to model the ideals in these classes for future educational assistants. In addition, typically, many students in our program have experienced difficulties in their past school environments, and they come into the program feeling apprehensive about their academic abilities. As an instructor, I understand these students need to participate in a nurturing ‘climate of caring and trust’ (Pratt et al., 2002) to feel they can be successful at the post-secondary level. This climate is crucial to building their self-esteem and confidence as learners and practitioners who will move into a classroom setting and support students in need.
Regarding technology, I use various tools and strategies so the students can add them to their teaching toolboxes ‘making these applicable in real-world situations (Tondeur et al., 2017, p. 564) once they enter their future classrooms. For example, I record and post all class lectures for students to review after class. This process is helpful for students with a learning disability or students who English is not their first language and need to spend more time with the concepts. Next, I give the students a choice in their representation format to show their understanding of concepts. Furthermore, during class discussions, students will be assigned sections of a website/video to explore and discuss in a group to communicate findings with the class. This process highlights my core beliefs of creating a student-centered classroom built on constructivist ideologies (Tondeur et al., 2017, p. 557) where social constructivists believe that discussion and social interactions, allow students to learn and grow (Bates, 2015, p. 54).
I love the quote, “There is no one best way to teach that will fit all circumstances’ (Bates, 2015, P43), and this inventory highlighted that there is also no best way to learn. We must remember that our students are all unique, and our responsibility as educators is to provide various learning opportunities. In this way, technology can be invaluable for us and our students.
Bates, A. W. (2015). Teaching in a digital age: Guidelines for designing teaching and learning. Vancouver, BC: Tony Bates Associates.
Pratt, D., & Collins, J. (2000). The Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI). Adult Education Research Conference. https://newprairiepress.org/aerc/2000/papers/68
Pratt, D., & Collins, J. (2002). Summary of 5 Perspectives on Good Teaching. https://blogs.ubc.ca/srikanth/files/2011/12/TPI-Teaching-Perspectives-Summaries.pdf
Tondeur, J., Braak, J., Ertmer, P., & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. (2017). Understanding the relationship between teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and technology use in education: a systematic review of qualitative evidence. Educational Technology Research & Development, 65(3), 555–575. https://doi-org.ezproxy.tru.ca/10.1007/s11423-016-9481-2
Hi Hannah,
Thanks for sharing. I agree that using various technological tools is invaluable to enhancing learning and allowing opportunities for diverse learning needs. Thanks for reinforcing that each student has unique learning needs and as teachers, we must provide them with opportunities to meet these needs.
Hi Hannah,
I like how you are using your teaching perspective to model for EAs how to support students. It sounds like you are also strong in the Apprenticeship perspective of teaching.
It’s interesting that you highlight how some of your students have had complicated or difficult school experiences. I know so many EAs who struggled in school and want to help students have a better experience than they did. What a gift they are to their students! I wonder what percentage of these EAs would also score high in the Nurturing category.
Like Lenna, I wonder if there is consideration given to empathy and the nurturing aspect of teaching complex learners? Does considering the perspectives offered by the TPI perhaps impact how the EA program is taught?
Hello Jason and Lenna
As with all classrooms, the instructor is responsible for setting the mood and tone in their classrooms. I work with some incredible people with the same values as I do towards all learners. As such, our EA program does develop our learning around not only teaching empathy but living it. With that said, there are other teachers who may not have these same ideals.In the end, if we want our future EA’s to show grace to our most vulnerable students then they must exerience it to know its importance.