Let's Talk - Learning, Discussing, and Growing together

Month: September 2023

EDDL 5111 Teaching Philosophy – Assignment #1

Teaching Philosophy

First, I believe education needs to be holistic, inclusive, diverse, and will continue throughout one’s lifetime. Next, all children can and do learn when presented with a nurturing environment that is safe and able to meet their needs academically, socially, and emotionally. Finally, students need to develop a growth mindset where they set goals, reflect, and actively participate in their education.

Teaching Perspectives Inventory

Nurturing was highlighted as the primary indicator after taking the Teacher Perspectives Inventory (TPI) (Pratt et al., 2000). I see a strong correlation between the values in the nurturing category and my teaching philosophy. For example, in my classroom, I encourage mistakes as I want to change their thinking from being fixed to a growth mindset, where mistakes are necessary to help us learn and grow. Next, I believe in differentiating materials, processes, and scaffolding learning to meet student abilities, as they are all individuals. Finally, I regularly set realistic, individualized goals with my students to ensure they are part of their learning process. This practice helps to establish a mutual, transparent relationship rooted in trust and support for both the teacher and the student (Pratt, D. et al., 2002). 

Theory of Teaching – Bates

The theory of teaching that stands out to me is constructivist. My teaching philosophy resonates with the following ideas from Bates:  

  1. “Each individual is unique,” thus constructing their own body of knowledge (p 54). 
  2. “Reality is always tentative and dynamic,” so we need to prepare students to be successful in a future that does not exist (p 54). 
  3. Learning is a “Complex and multifaceted” process that can grow out of “personal reflection” (p 54). 

The impact this theory has had on my approach to teaching is significant. For example, I set my room up in groups for easy and regular discussion opportunities. I employ a journaling technique where students regularly ask questions and reflect on their learning. I have students set individual goals that match their learning goals, which I guide them through by creating individualized plans. However, I also hold myself personally to this theory as I continue to learn and grow in my practice, evolving with the ever-changing world. 

Content Knowledge – Shulman

According to the article by Shulman, the three primary knowledge domains for teachers are content, pedagogical, and curricular knowledge (p 9). First, I can see the importance of teachers having content knowledge because “The teacher need not only to understand that something is so; the teacher must further understand why it is so” (Shulman, 1986, p 9). Without content knowledge, teachers would not be familiar with their subject matter and thus unable to guide student understanding. In addition, curricular knowledge allows teachers to draw on a variety of teaching tools in which to “present or exemplify particular content and remediate or evaluate the adequacy of student accomplishments” (Shulman, 1986, p 10). Various tools allow teachers to match the intent of their delivery with the expected learning outcomes for students. However, my teaching philosophy is most closely aligned with the importance of pedagogical knowledge as I believe a “teacher must have at hand a veritable armamentarium of alternative forms of representation (Shulman, 1986, p 9). It is essential to reach children of diverse needs, cultures, and abilities and provide individual learning opportunities, as all children deserve a rich educational experience. This belief is my primary responsibility as a teacher and is core to my ideology.


To impact my curriculum with Indigenization, first, I  must recognize the identity with which I approach the curriculum. I am a Canadian-born, white, Catholic, British, heterosexual woman from a middle to upper socioeconomic class who has lived in various locations in Canada. With this understanding, next, I must strive to honor and transform my relationship with this land’s traditional people as we move toward reconciliation. This is vital because Indigenization is the combination of Western and Indigenous knowledge systems with the intent to benefit all students, teachers, and the community (Antoine et al., 2018, p 6). Only through Indigenization can there be a rebalance in power in Canada and a return of dignity to First Nation, Metis, and Inuit culture. But how will this be achieved? It will not only be one Act, one press conference, or one apology. Indigenization will take years of action to implement and make real, effective, and honest changes, starting with community development, planning and coordination, mechanisms for funding, support for people, support for workers, and support for families. Canada needs to be ready to let go of its power, authority, and implicit biases toward the First Nation people and embrace a pure state of empathy about what happened, why it happened, who did it, and how the residual effects of colonialism are still present today. 


Alberta Education.  (2003). Social Studies Program of Studies. 


Antoine, A., Mason, R., Mason, R., Palahicky, S. & Rodriguez de France, C. (2018). 

Pulling Together: A Guide for Curriculum Developers. Victoria, BC: BCcampus. Retrieved from https://opentextbc.ca/indigenizationcurriculumdevelopers/ 

Bates, A. W. (2015). Teaching in a digital age: Guidelines for designing teaching and 

learning. Vancouver, BC: Tony Bates Associates.

French, J. (2021). CBC News: Indigenous leaders, elder feel used by Alberta government 

tactics to bolster new curriculum. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/indigenous-leaders-elder-feel-used-by-alberta-government-tactics-to-bolster-new-curriculum-1.6033499 

Pratt, D., & Collins, J. (2000). The Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI). Adult 

Education Research Conference. https://newprairiepress.org/aerc/2000/papers/68

Pratt, D., & Collins, J. (2002). Summary of 5 Perspectives on Good Teaching. 


Shulman, L. S. (1986). Those Who Understand: Knowledge Growth in Teaching. 

Educational Researcher, 15(2), 4–14. https://doi.org/10.2307/1175860

EDDL 5111 – Week 3 – Blog #3 – TPI

          While completing the Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI), I reflected on my role as a post-secondary instructor in the Educational Assistant Certificate Program. In this role, the scope of my classes includes:

  • Teaching positive communication strategies
  • Exploring a variety of physical and emotional supports and strategies for students
  • Developing a deep understanding of neurodevelopmental support

          Upon reflection, it is apparent how Nurturing (Pratt et al., 2000) was highlighted as the primary indicator, as my focus in these classes is to not only teach the objectives but to model the ideals in these classes for future educational assistants. In addition, typically, many students in our program have experienced difficulties in their past school environments, and they come into the program feeling apprehensive about their academic abilities. As an instructor, I understand these students need to participate in a nurturing ‘climate of caring and trust’ (Pratt et al., 2002) to feel they can be successful at the post-secondary level. This climate is crucial to building their self-esteem and confidence as learners and practitioners who will move into a classroom setting and support students in need.  

          Regarding technology, I use various tools and strategies so the students can add them to their teaching toolboxes ‘making these applicable in real-world situations (Tondeur et al., 2017, p. 564) once they enter their future classrooms. For example, I record and post all class lectures for students to review after class. This process is helpful for students with a learning disability or students who English is not their first language and need to spend more time with the concepts. Next, I give the students a choice in their representation format to show their understanding of concepts. Furthermore, during class discussions, students will be assigned sections of a website/video to explore and discuss in a group to communicate findings with the class. This process highlights my core beliefs of creating a student-centered classroom built on constructivist ideologies (Tondeur et al., 2017, p. 557) where social constructivists believe that discussion and social interactions, allow students to learn and grow (Bates, 2015, p. 54).

          I love the quote, “There is no one best way to teach that will fit all circumstances’ (Bates, 2015, P43), and this inventory highlighted that there is also no best way to learn. We must remember that our students are all unique, and our responsibility as educators is to provide various learning opportunities. In this way, technology can be invaluable for us and our students.


Bates, A. W. (2015). Teaching in a digital age: Guidelines for designing teaching and learning. Vancouver, BC: Tony Bates Associates.

Pratt, D., & Collins, J. (2000). The Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPI). Adult Education Research Conference. https://newprairiepress.org/aerc/2000/papers/68

Pratt, D., & Collins, J. (2002). Summary of 5 Perspectives on Good Teaching. https://blogs.ubc.ca/srikanth/files/2011/12/TPI-Teaching-Perspectives-Summaries.pdf 

Tondeur, J., Braak, J., Ertmer, P., & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. (2017). Understanding the relationship between teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and technology use in education: a systematic review of qualitative evidence. Educational Technology Research & Development, 65(3), 555–575. https://doi-org.ezproxy.tru.ca/10.1007/s11423-016-9481-2

EDDL 5111 – Week 2 – Blog #2 Congruence

Thinking back to my education in the 80s, I can not recall ever being told what we were learning or why. School was an institution one attended because one had to attend. The teachers provided students with subject-specific learning opportunities and, in most cases, assessed using a multiple-choice exam. Consequently, I did not find purpose in anything happening in school, and I was not engaged in the learning process because congruence was missing. I understood the importance of congruence in education only when I attended post-secondary education.

I attended a Designing Learning course in the second year of my Bachelor of Education degree. The course started with a discussion about the objectives with the course outline, which allowed all the students to understand the ‘big picture’ for their learning. Next, we created ‘I can statements’ for each objective we studied and then used backward design to create the assessment to match the objectives. These lessons demonstrated what was missing in my high school experience as a student: PURPOSE. If I had been more involved in understanding why I needed to learn the objectives or complete the activities, I would have been more invested in my education. This was a pivotal moment for my education as a student and as a future teacher.

EDDL 5111- Week 1- Blog #1- Reflection on Online Learning

The Course

For my reflection, I will discuss my role in teaching an online credit certificate course, The Role of the Educational Assistant, for Red Deer Polytechnic last spring. All courses in our Educational Assistant program are available in multiple formats for students, such as on-campus, online, or the students can choose a blended version by accessing a mixture of these courses.  

I would consider the course I taught to be a hybrid learning environment based on the definition in chapter 9, where ‘ online learning is combined with focused small group face-to-face interactions (Bates, 2003, p. 311) as the students were to attend a live class once a week and participate in small group discussions.  

Teaching Methods

This was my first online teaching experience at the college. My only other experience teaching online was connected with the lockdown from Covid-19 in 2020. My teaching style gravitates to the constructivist approach, where the instructor develops a learning environment so that the “students can grow and develop their learning (Bates,2003, p. 417), and as such, I was nervous about how interactive and rich this type of environment could be since I was inheriting a course that another instructor already constructed. Since the college offers the same courses on campus and online, there is a need to align content to ensure both objectives are being met at the same academic level. Consequently, there is much collaboration between the two instructors to develop assessments and activities that can be completed in either learning environment.  

Since the course was closely aligned with on-campus learning, there was a great deal of thought put into all the lessons, assignments, assessments, and activities to ensure a high degree of interactive learning available in the online environment. I particularly enjoyed that the courses were built intentionally as a flipped classroom where the students were given the materials to review with focus questions before the live classroom. The flipped classroom process allowed our class time to focus on diving deeper into the content, building richer conversations, and extending activities to enrich understanding.


The students in attendance varied from people working in schools during the day, international students who had just arrived in Canada, to people who lived in remote areas of Alberta. All the students in attendance required flexibility in their learning to achieve their certificate due to their unique personal situations. The course was set up for one two-hour live class per week, which was also recorded in case they could not attend. The system created was a good match for student needs.


As an instructor, I can access technology tools like wifi, computers, headphones, cameras, microphones, Blackboard Collaborate, and Google. All of these resources allowed me a wide range of options for delivery methods and a variety of ways to enhance my online live lessons. However, our students are tasked with providing technology to access the course and assignments. At times, connectivity was an issue with students, inhibiting their ability to complete assignments or participate fully in discussions. 


Bates, A. and Poole, G. (2003) Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher Education: Foundations for Success San Francisco: Jossey-Bass